Closing the Cash Drawer

At the end of each day, each cash drawer must be counted and closed. This should be done after all customers have left and the doors have been locked for security.

If you are closing a drawer during business hours, take the till to a secure location to count the bills and coins out of the sight of customers. Keep the cash secured at all times.

Counting and closing the cash drawer requires:

  • Counting the total amount of cash in the till and entering the values in CounterPoint
  • Dividing the cash into two portions:
    • $100.00 to open the drawer tomorrow morning
    • The excess cash for depositing at the bank
  • Closing the drawer in CounterPoint
  • Securing the cash deposit envelope and bank bag before leaving the store

Counting the Cash in the Till

  1. Close the touchscreen application (the window where you ring up items).
  2. If you used another station for price checks, close CounterPoint on that station.
  3. Tap the Main Menu button.
  4. Tap the Point of Sale folder.
  5. Tap the Drawers folder.
  6. Tap the Count button.
  7. Enter your User ID and password, store number, and drawer number when prompted.
  8. Tap the Count Cash Units button.
    1. Count and enter the number of each type of coin (pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, and so on).
    2. Dollar coins are counted with the dollar bills.
    3. Half-dollar coins are counted as two quarters.
    4. Count and enter the number of each type of bill (ones, fives, tens, and so on).
    5. Count and enter the number of rolls for any rolled coins.
  9. The amount will be more than $100.00

Divide the Cash Into Two Portions

$100.00 for Opening the Drawer Tomorrow

  1. Count $100.00 in bills and coins for tomorrow’s drawer.* Try to use a sensible amount of bills and coins:
    • Don’t just use two $50 bills.
    • Don’t just use bills. Coins will be needed to make change tomorrow.
  2. Place the $100.00 in the bank bag.
  3. Place the additional cash in the paper cash deposit envelope.
  4. Update the front of the cash deposit envelope with:
    • Today’s date
    • Drawer number
    • Amount you are placing in the envelope
    • Running total of all cash in the deposit envelope
    • Your initials

* You might find it easier to work backwards. If the total amount of cash is $356.82, and the total amount of coins was $6.82 (look at the subtotal for coins on the screen), start by removing 82¢ in coins for the cash deposit. That leaves $6.00 in coins for tomorrow’s opening. Now count up with bills starting with the ones like:

$6 coins + 24 ones + 4 fives + 3 tens + 1 twenty = $100

Close the Drawer in CounterPoint

From where you left off at the Count Cash Units screen:

  1. Tap the OK button.
  2. Tap the OK button.
  3. Confirm Yes to close the drawer.
  4. Tap the OK button. The drawer is now closed.
  5. Close CounterPoint.
  6. Leave the computer on.

Securing the Cash Deposit Envelope

Your manager should have given you instructions for securing the bank bag and cash deposit envelope. These instructions vary by store.

Contact your store manager if you have additional questions or come across a scenario that’s not covered here.

Love this store! So many cute things and staff is very sweet, too. Will be back!
