Opening the Cash Drawer
Each morning before the store opens, each cash drawer needs to be opened. This requires:
- Obtaining the bank bag with cash for the drawer.
- Opening the drawer in CounterPoint
- Counting the bills and coins and entering the values in CounterPoint
- Resolving discrepancies.
Obtaining the Bank Bag with Cash for the Drawer
Your store manager should have trained you as to the location of the bank bag with the cash needed to open the drawer. This location varies by store.
The cash bag should contain bills and coins which total exactly $100. Any cash from the previous day over $100 will have been stored in the cash deposit envelope (see closing the drawer).
If yesterday’s cash sales were $432.10, then the deposit envelope should contain $332.10, and the bank bag should contain $100.00
Opening the Drawer In CounterPoint
- Open the CounterPoint application by tapping the icon on the screen.
- Tap the HOME button in the top menu.
- Enter your User ID, password, store number, and the drawer number you are opening.
- Activate the drawer when prompted.
- Tap the Count Cash Units button and:
- Count and enter the number of each type of coin (pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, and so on).
- Count and enter the number of each type of bill (ones, fives, tens, and so on).
- Count and enter the number of rolls for any rolled coins.
- The balance in CounterPoint should equal $100.00 exactly.
- Tap the OK button once you’ve verified that the balance is $100.00
- Tap the OK button again.
- Tap the OK button one final time, and the drawer is now open.
Resolving Discrepancies
Occasionally, the cash in the bank bag will not equal $100.00 as it should.
If the Amount is More Than $100.00
- Remove the extra cash so the drawer will have exactly $100.00
- Change the coin and bill counts in CounterPoint to reflect the reduced values.
- Put the extra cash in the cash deposit envelope.
- Notify your store manager.
- Open the drawer with $100.00
If the bank bag contains $102.13, remove $2.13 and reduce the counted values in CounterPoint.
If the Amount is Less Than $100.00
- Use bills and coins from the cash deposit envelope to make up the difference.
- Change the coin and bill counts in CounterPoint to reflect the increased values.
- Notify your store manager.
- Open the drawer with $100.00
If the bank bag contains only $98.76, take $1.24 from the cash deposit envelope and increase the counted values in CounterPoint.
What If There Isn’t Enough Cash in the Cash Deposit Envelope?
- Take as much cash as you can from the deposit envelope.
- Do not open the drawer with more than $100.00
- Change the coin and bill counts in CounterPoint to reflect the increased values.
- Notify your store manager.
- Open the drawer with less than $100.00
Example 1:
If the bank bag only contains $78.90, and the cash deposit envelope only has $1.08, move the $1.08 from the deposit envelope to the drawer you are opening. Open the drawer with a total of $79.98.
Example 2:
If the bank bag only contains $78.90, and the cash deposit envelope only has a $50 bill, open the drawer with $78.90 (do not move the $50 bill).
Contact your store manager if you have additional questions or come across a scenario that’s not covered here.